The 20 Biggest Donors of the 2012 Election So Far. [Mother Jones] – From the casino mogul betting $5 million on Newt Gingrich, to Wall Streeters investing in Mitt Romney, to Obama’s Hollywood pal, Gavin Aronsen and Dave Gilson expose the superwealthy givers trying to sway the race.
EPA to Dimock, PA: Frack You!
Federal Agency Cancels Water Delivery to Pa. Town. [ABC News] – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency abruptly changed its mind Saturday about delivering fresh water to residents of a northeastern Pennsylvania village where residential wells were found to be tainted by a natural gas drilling operation.
Occupy Chicago Won’t “Sit Down, Shut Up”
Occupy groups urge defeat of proposed law. [] -Two Chicago-area Occupy protest groups warned city aldermen that supporting Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s “Sit Down and Shut Up” ordinance will be met with resistance.
Shut up, Slave!
Coming soon, to a country near you: another way for the masters to strip troublemakers of our citizenship. Thanks, Joe.
H.R. 3166: Enemy Expatriation Act. [] – To add engaging in or supporting hostilities against the United States to the list of acts for which United States nationals would lose their nationality.
My Guantánamo Nightmare
This is the chilling account of Lakhdar Boumediene’s rendition and his imprisonment for seven years at Gitmo. He was held without trial, another innocent victim of our War on Terror.
My Guantánamo Nightmare. [] – The fact that the United States had made a mistake was clear from the beginning. Bosnia’s highest court investigated the American claim, found that there was no evidence against me and ordered my release. But instead, the moment I was released American agents seized me and the five others. We were tied up like animals and flown to Guantánamo, the American naval base in Cuba.
Just Enough
”Any kind of action that relieves people’s distress a little bit, without changing the system, maintains the system. In fact that’s the way the American system – which is very exploitative and very unfair – that’s the way the American system is being maintained…by giving people a little bit, giving enough people, just enough, to keep them from breaking out in open revolt.”
-Howard Zinn
Hat tip to my Fellow Worker, Adam, for posting this quote on Facebook the other day.
Renewables Overtook Nuclear Power in 2011
Did renewables overtake nuclear power in 2011? Sort of. [The Washington Post] – In 2011, for the first time in decades, the United States got more of its energy from renewable sources than it did from nuclear power. Not only that, but renewables are growing much faster than any other energy source.
Secrets of Empire and Self-Deceptions of Partisans
Secrets of Empire and Self-Deceptions of Partisans [Dissident Voice] – As a general rule, when the rationalizations of both Bush and Obama supporters are countered with facts regarding their dismal governance, the invectives fly.
12 Simple Ways To Go Green
12 simple ways to go green in 2012 [] – If many people resolve to make their lives just a little greener in 2012 it could make a huge difference.
What I’m Reading This Week
One of the things that I like best about the Kindle is that I can keep a wide variety of reading material at my fingertips. I find that I read more, because I can steal ten minutes here and there (taking a break at midday, waiting in the car for my daughter to be dismissed from school, etc.), and I don’t have to choose ahead of time what I’ll be reading. If I don’t have time to dig into a chapter of something difficult or laborious, I can read a poem or magazine article. If something isn’t holding my attention for whatever reason, I can move on to something else. My friend, Joel Anderson, calls this “Kindle Assisted Attention Deficit Disorder” but I actually think that the device helps me to keep my attention focused. It’s not like reading on the Web where there are constant distractions, and it’s not like being trapped in a room with a single volume (say, War and Peace).
In any case, I thought that from time to time I’d share some of the things that I’m reading. Most of these will be available for Kindle. Many of them will be available free-of-charge, either in the Public Domain, free to Amazon Prime members, or available from a lending library. I might occasionally share my own thoughts on what I’m reading as well, but would encourage you to read for yourself.
Also, I’d love to know what you’re reading. Feel free to post comments with observations, recommendations or a simple bibliography.
Here’s what I’ve been reading this past week.
Ten Days That Shook The World – John Reed’s masterpiece gives us a firsthand account of Red October.
Leaves of Grass – Walt Whitman sings for soul and body in the finest free-verse America has ever seen.
A People’s History of the United States – From Columbus to the War on Terror, Howard Zinn presents the unvarnished truth. Highly recommended…
Black Flame: The Revolutionary Class Politics of Anarchism and Syndicalism – I have been woefully ignorant concerning the Socialists and Anarchists, and am determined to correct this deficiency in my education during 2012. This book is a very tough read, but I’m finding it worthwhile. Essential study on an important topic from authors Lucien Van Der Walt and Michael Schmidt…
2600 Magazine: The Hacker Quarterly – An old favorite…