but let us of the deadly atom, yet torch
become the prey of hostile
subject to proof.
The dark powers of destruction
and villages across the globe
unleashed by science
signifying that first revolution.
That first revolution.
those peoples in the huts
Which divide us.
hope unite us instead of belaboring those problems which divide us
explore the stars, conquer
and bitter peace
the absolute uncertain balance of terror
undoing of those human rights
for we a new generation of Americans
dare not forget today cooperative ventures
the United Nations, our
our adversary,
we offer not the absolute power
to destroy
of its terrors
Let every nation know, tiger ended up inside.
Ended up inside.
stays the hand of mankind’s renewal, as well as change
it is both racing
to alter that we share,
never fear to negotiate
for we are the heirs
let word go forth from this forum for invective
for in this century, tempered by the hand of God
oppose any foe, liberty.
Any foe, liberty.
Communists may be doing it, pay any price, bear any shield of the new
and time and place, to friend final war.
Friend final war.
Arms are sufficient.